I am a data scientist at PNC Bank. I graduated with my master's degree in Quantitative Economics from the University of Pittsburgh in May 2021. My capstone project involved working with the Pittsburgh Penguins to model appropriate salaries for minor league hockey players.
My undergraduate degrees are in economics and geology. As an undergraduate, I studied abroad at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan on a Nationality Room Scholarship and participated in research as a Pitt Honors College fellow.
I have worked in various positions from urban gardener to expense report auditor, but I have now found my home in the field of data science and analytics! In addition to economics and programming, I am passionate about plants, fish, and rocks.
Between work and studies, I make sure to dedicate what time I can to my interests and hobbies. I am an avid reader when I can be, and very much enjoy classic fantasy by Terry Pratchett and J.R.R. Tolkien, as well as some more contemporary authors and works. When the world is not in lockdown, I go bouldering a few times a week - but when in quarantine, I convince myself that high-octane virtual reality and tabletop gaming is a suitable stand-in.
I maintain three aquariums in my home, ranging from a 5 gallon inhabited by snails and a carnivorous pea puffer named Petunia to a 75 gallon filled with a lively community of pearl gourami, neon tetras, bristlenose pleco catfish, and a betta.
In the end though, I consider continuing my education more of a hobby than a chore, and spend a great deal of time branching off from my academic roots to teach myself web design and development, 3D modelling, and more.
I like to draw when I can find the time. Though I have no professional aspirations when it comes to my art, I have done some simple pieces for friends in the past; I mostly create for my own pleasure. In the future, once I become more comfortable with my style, I'd like to explore creating game assets and concept art.
More samples can be found in the art section
After completing my bachelor degrees, I discovered a new passion in coding. I consider Python to be my primary language, but I am also comfortable working in R, JavaScript, and C++. My progress is ongoing, and I am quite willing and eager to pick up more languages and technical knowledge in the future!
I like to draw when I can find the time. Though I have no professional aspirations when it comes to my art, I have done some simple pieces for friends in the past; I mostly create for my own pleasure. In the future, once I become more comfortable with my style, I'd like to explore creating game assets and concept art.
More samples can be found in the art section
Thank you for your time!
If you have any questions or would like to contact me for any reason, please use the links below.